Torkin Manes’ Associates Head Out to Feed the Homeless

Most associates in downtown law firms are so busy that they see little of what goes on around their office towers. They head down to the office, maybe grabbing a muffin and a coffee on their way in, and often don't leave the office until late in the evening. But from June 4-7, 2012, the associates of Torkin Manes LLP rolled up their sleeves, making sandwiches, loading food, drinks, and other necessities into a van and delivering these goods at night to the homeless people living on the streets around their offices.

Torkin Manes contributes funding to Ve’ahavta, the Canadian humanitarian and relief organization that runs the program, and the firm's associates provide the person-power. In two shifts a day, they prepare the food, load the van, and make deliveries downtown.

This is the second year that Torkin Manes has taken on this project. Last year over 20 associates participated, representing almost 70% of the associates in this 80-lawyer firm. They all agreed that it gave them a completely different view of life in an area that they know well but will never see the same way again...

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